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The New Rules of "meCommerce"

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SmartCommerce CEO Jennifer Silverberg recently spoke at the #firstmovr CATx eCommerce Growth Summit for Health and Beauty.  Her presentation, "The New Rules of meCommerce,” provided some critical insights into today's consumers that will enable agencies, brands, and retailers alike to take eCommerce to the next level.

In case you missed the event, here are some key takeaways:

Consumer mindset is key:

The impact of world events is top-of-mind for everyone. 1 in 3 adults report feeling depressed or anxious. Nearly half of all adults feel the government and the media are divisive forces in our society. And almost 60% of LGBTQ youth feel “under attack” “a lot” in America. Keeping in mind the reality of where consumers are nowadays will drive smart marketers to create ad campaigns sensitive to those struggles and that speak to those pain points.

eCommerce is really meCommerce:

Gone are the days when you would expect consumers to physically shop around brick-and-mortar stores. Now, the store is wherever the consumer is, thanks to round-the-clock connectivity that leads to passive shopping. Basically, Consumers want what they want, when they want it, delivered how they want it - online, in person, or delivered to their door, in an easy shopping experience that doesn’t make them think too hard.

Distributed Discovery + Purchase: "meCommerce" is the New Marketing Opportunity for Brands

Product discovery used to happen almost exclusively in-store, as consumers trolled aisles for inspiration. But as digital commerce has exploded, consumers in categories like CPG that don't follow a traditional purchase "funnel," are now becoming just as likely - or even more likely - to discover new products outside the store or store.com.

Smart brands are enabling this distributed discovery by leveraging traditional influencer marketing, social platforms (essentially delivering augmented influencer at scale), livestream shopping, and other methods of putting the consumer at the center of the product discovery experience.. In addition to supporting "always on" omnishopping behaviors, the real promise of consumer-centric "meCommerce" is to foster direct brand-consumer relationships, while still keeping the retailer in the critical fulfillment position.

For even more insights into meCommerce and today's consumers, plus how Click2Cart can help drive commerce for you business, fill out the form below to receive the full presentation.

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